Wednesday 22 May 2013

Bob the Builder.

With the change of seasons, we pack away our favourite snug cardi that’s kept us warm all winter and peal back our fluffy socks ready for the summer sandals. Away goes the 4X4’s that ploughed through the snow and braced the battering rain.  Out comes that hot red convertibles ready for the sunshine.  These changes we do without really thinking about it, so why does change scare us so much?

Studies have shown that we find security in routine, keeping in our comfort zone.  We like to have plans and stick to them, or, use the plans as a guide… but why?  We change our wardrobes to suit the seasons, or to meet the latest fashion, we’ll try out different drinks or food.  All of that is change, but why does the word “change” make most people quake in fear?

If people like Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill or Anne Frank decided that change was too scary?   What would have happened to them? What if Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Sir Alan Sugar hadn’t have changed with the business trends, where would they be now?  So maybe change is good?

It’s time to embrace change, grab change by the horns and run with it!  
Last week we officially got the go ahead for the spade to go into the ground to start building our new offices and showroom.  This is a change we have certainly welcomed and will be donning our hard hats to bring you the weekly changes. Yes our builders name is Bob. 

We are Combined Office Interiors, and we are embracing change! 

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