Wednesday 8 May 2013

Our first blog... Written by me, Darren Griffin.

This is me MD.  

So, some time ago in 1999, I sat in my spare bedroom, picked up my phone and made the first call to a new beginning…..

We’re an office furniture company, blah blah blah. No we’re not about to write a blog on ’99 reasons to buy this chair…’ or ‘lockable drawers,…’

Instead we’re going to write about a normal company, doing normal things in a normal business industry… Pfft who are we kidding? Normal is as normal does?

Set in the rolling countryside in a small place called Kimbolton (not in the spare bedroom any longer) – based in the heart of Cambridgeshire. With the long grass swaying in the balmy breeze, birds sweetly singing as their wings glisten in the sun’s rays, the sound of the animals rustling in the undergrowth… YAWN!!!!!!!!!

From heavy metal head bangers-#rock‘n’roll baby, buggy driving, club wielding golfers to high speed mixer brandishing Granny, knocking out cupcakes by the dozen….
 We are COI and we welcome you, to our diverse family!!!

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